Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Life in New York has been GREAT!! All that I could hope for right now and definitely an amazing opportunity for me at this time in my life.

Working for Parker + Paige has been bliss. Aside from the view of New York and the Breakfast dates with industry professionals, the professionalism and true compassion for their clients stands as motivational food for other companies of it's peers.

I'm growing both professionally and personally here... what more could I ask for... Love?... We'll see where this takes me:)

Friday, June 24, 2011

Washington D.C.

Here I am.
Washington D.C.
Embarking on a journey of new wealth... new health... and a whole lot of Fashion!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Become a guest on mylifeline.org/tessiabrown to observe the story of my cancer and keep up with my progress and growth on my journey.

Or even leave a nice message or two;)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Little about me

SO I'm on my way to Indianapolis to see a doctor who specializes in Thymic Carcinoma. I'm nervous and excited; both about what he's going to say. There's so much information that he knows and I don't. I'm hoping for clarity. I'm hoping for more insight to who I am from here on out. And what I have to look forward to.

After finding out about my cancer; discovering a large lemon sized tumor sitting in front of my heart in October 2010, I had been told of the magnitude of its rarity extremities along with it. I went into the hospital with complications breathing and extreme pain from the tumor and gave bone marrow samples for the potential removal of my tumor. With hesitation of how to approach, we found out that it spread to my spine, ribs, and pelvis. Surgery was eradicated from the options and I was kept for a few days to begin chemotherapy treatments. I was in a lot of pain and was given a patch with pain medicine (possibly lidocane), when I told them it wasn't working. Then I was given 20/40 MG of Oxy, yet there was still pain. Within several minutes of that report the nurses gave me an intervenous injection of Dilauded all, mind you, while the patch is still on.

That night I stopped breathing and went into cardiac arrest. During the 4 hours of them working to bring me back to life, my heart stopped 10 times, and I had 2 strokes. Attempts to put a ventilator down my throat failed a number of times. When they did, worries turned to me being able to breath without support from the machine. I was in a coma for 12 days and breathing on life support, when they turned it off, I breathed on my own.
Waking up from it all was a blur. I didn't even remember why I was there. After two months of hospitalization I've tried to piece my life back together. Doing many of the things a normal 21 year old in her senior year at UW-Madison would be doing. Establishing the relationships a normal 21 year old in her senior year at UW-Madison would be establishing. I feel better now, lately especially, and more hopeful, not hopeless

I'm Just optimistic about this trip, any way it goes will only bring clarity...

Friday, February 11, 2011


I have cancer. Thymic Carcinoma.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Who Am I?

The day's old question keeps tumbling around in my mind. Who am I? In more coarse terms; WHO THE FUCK AM I? To humor this incessant rattling, I say I am a wonder. A marvel which the world does not yet, but will soon know. A hand that the world does not yet use as its tool in redemption. I am thoughts, obsessions, prosperity, summons and plea from desolation. I am light, I am dark; I am strong, I am weak; I am both skilled and naive with wide-eyed adoration. I have raw passion and intuitive emotion making our problems in the world seem, to me, like flies to a bug lamp. I feel beyond the power of love; and look beyond the power of words.
I am your best friend; and your unrivaled lover.
I am the welted Heart. I am distinguished Healing. I am the flawless Human. I am always Here.